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Catch the Rabbit

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Catch the Rabbit

Quick Overview

Pretty printed felt bag with bunnies and flowers, perfectly filled with Lebkuchen Easter bunny and Lebkuchen-Allerlei: six different varieties in a bag, filled and unfilled, with and without chocolate. Easter bunny made from mild, spicy Lebkuchen dough lovingly hand-decorated with lots of marzipan, icing and chocolate. Tied with a fabric bow for gift giving.

This product is seasonally available in the following months:
February to Easter.
Please contact us to order samples in advance

Weight: 350 grams
Dimensions: e L 18 x W 6 x H 20 cm

Delivery Time: Delivery promt according to availability

The ingredients can be found on the product page for Lebkuchen-Allerlei and Lebkuchen Easter Bunny.
Allergene: A, C, F, H, O
The nutritional values ​​can be found on the product page of Lebkuchen-Allerlei and Lebkuchen-Easter Bunny.

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