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Mariazeller Bauerntruhe

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Mariazeller Bauerntruhe

Quick Overview

The best types of Lebkuchen are packed in our largest chest. The sturdy cardboard chest is a true-to-original replica of the antique Mariazell farmer's chest from 1844. Filled to the top, it will make any connoisseur's heart beat faster. A beautiful decorative piece for every farmhouse and lifestyle apartment.

Exclusive gift box made of high-quality cardboard with wooden feet, hinged lid and magnetic closure, printed with motifs based on the original Mariazell farmer's chest. Filled with: Fünfmandler, G’füllter Nussener, Orange Lebkuchen, Allerlei Lebkuchen assortment, Herrenkuchen, finest Lebkuchen Squares, exquisite Lebkuchen Fruchtpastete, Lebkuchen Confectionery, Marc de Champagne Lebkuchen, muesli bars and Orange Sticks. In addition three gingerbread hearts, with almonds, pumpkin seeds and cherries, decorated with icing. The gift box is wrapped in cellophane and packaged in a protective outer box.

Weight: 2120 grams
Dimensions: L 30 x W 19 x H 17 cm
The ingredients can be found on the product page of Fünfmandler, G´füllter Nussener, Orange Lebkuchen, Allerlei, Herrenkuchen, Lebkuchen Squares, Mariazeller Fruit Loaf, Classic Mariazell Confectionery Selection, Marc de Champagne Lebkuchen, Muesli Bar with Chocolate, Orange Lebkuchen Bar, Traditional Christmas Tree Decoration “Star“ and Traditional Christmas Tree Decoration “Tree“.
Allergene: A, C, F, G, H
Nutritional values and allergens of gingerbread and specialties can be found on the respective product page.